UPS 19060 SG | ThistleBond Stick Grade Metal

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UPS 19060 SG | ThistleBond Stick Grade Metal


Is a specially packaged rapid curing synthetic metal repair compound for on-site repairs to metal components such as leaking pipes, tanks, ducts, radiators, etc.,

Features & Benefits

  • Simple to use; only requiring simple hand mixing to activate reaction between the concentrically packed components.
  • Designed for application by gloved hand, putty knife or spatula.
  • Can be applied to any damaged metal surface, plus glass, fiberglass and other composite surfaces.
  • Designed for rapid repairs to cracked casting, leaking pipes, tanks, flanges, etc., minimizing downtime.
  • Exhibits excellent adhesion to correctly prepared metal surfaces.

Product Applications

Suitable for emergency repairs or part of planned maintenance to equipment such as;
Worn or damaged pump shafts, cracked pump or valve casings, scored hydraulic rams, worn bearing housings, damaged flanges, leaking tank seams, worn keyways, cracked engine blocks, etc.,
Always read beforehand Technical Data Sheet